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Tuesday, 17 January 2017


NEFT ( National Electronic Fund Transfer)

First of all what is NEFT

The NEFT is a fund transfer tool of the Banks, is a type of payment system to transfer money from one account to another, its a type of online money tramsfer. In which there is a limit of hours... in a single hour you will be able to transfer only one time... for the next trnsaction you have to wait for a hour... because this system is based on batches...

So we can define... " NEFT is a nation wide payment system whivh uses one on one transfer of money on the batch basis" ...

Now question arise what is batch here.??.

Answer could be... If you want to transfer money... to someone else, at the same time other people in country are also trying to transfer money online through NEFT... hence in the given hour limit.. the particular bank what you are using will complete its limit of single batch... 

Hence batch is what limit of bank which complete a frame of money which bank transfer to destination banks in a single hour transaction...

Process of NEFT

1st step.. A person want to transfer his or her money.. he will decide bank...

2nd step.. Application Form will be fill by the

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Industrial revolution in history

In modern sense meaning of industrial revolution is ...
Use of machines in place of humans is called industrial revolution
As the industrial revolution was very necessary and beneficial to us but Britishers know this properly that....  these things will only develop India and cause accumulation of wealth in India... which will make India wealthy.... the Britishers never wanted these things so they always opposed for it  .....
Industrial revolution caused the negative impact to the Britishers... and it created a leader who was called lu dyne...
According to the lu dyne... if industrial revolution brings wealth to India so he started destroying the industries...  so he only tried to grow socialization....
# There are four reasons that support industrial revolution are...
1.Geographical Discovery
In 1498 Vasco de Gama discovered the India, it was the first time when west came in direct contact with east....
Need is the mother of invention, in India after the Britishers came we come to know about steam engine and spinning wheels etc.
When a country occupied by another country in such a manner that the occupied country acts for the interest of mother country....
Big landlords of land started snatching the lands of small farmers... which create unemployment in agriculture sector...
These were the reasons that bring the industrial revolution but Britishers never wanted our success so they opposed this revolution they bring such conditions that will make India poorer and weak...
# Drain of wealth theory.
It was the period over 9th to the 12th century when Chola's were ruling.... before Chola on the period of Maurya there was a good economical system in india.. and agriculture sector was very good.
The Cheras, Cholas, Pandya they were ruling at that time they developed India in such a manner India became wealthy...
They were trading with Rome which was the biggest empire at that time... for pulses and spices...
And they get booleans in exchange of pulses and spices..

Rules followed by britishers in india..

When Britishers were ruling in india... they forced indians to follow their rules..

The econmic policies persued by colonial government in india were concerned more with the protection economic interest of their own country(foriegn country), than with the development of indian economy...

All administration policies were also same... such policies brought a fundamental change in the structure of indian economy...

The changes were...

1.#  transfering the country into supplier of raw material, in consumer of finished products from britain..

2.# Agriculture practice remained backward...

3.# lack of industrialization

4.# low GDP and PCI..

Actually india were supplier of  raw material before britishers came in india ... we were have large GDP too... but as the britishers came they ruined our economical system they started exploiting us... they jealous of our accumulation of wealth...

So they started ruling in india ... as they want drain of wealth .. they forced indians to grow cost crop instead of food crops.. like nill cotton etc...

These all brings drain of wealth .. they also forced as to supply goods for them ..only not to earn wealth ....

As they wanted india started draining our wealth... as we become exporter instead of importer... these brings the poverty in india..
Before this all we were called as golden bird ...

We were innocent and not aware of what they want

Every developing country ... should have these three steps..
1. In agriculture field
2. In industry field
3. In service field...

But we jumped from 1st to direct 3rd step as they stoped as for industrial revolution .... they bring all raw materials from india to the britain.. and ready the finished goods... then they export them to us...

It means we dont had right to use our osn products... they totally making us thd fool...

By these all they become obstacle for our industrial revolution....

British came to india ( विदेशियो का भारत में आगमन )

As we know foreigners came to india and ruled over us, they exploited india.... they treated us as a slave and they never ever in favour of india.... they made our lives worst.... after 15 th august 1947 we got released from their prison and now.... we are independent to live our life in our own way....

But reality is little bit diffrent and also interesting...

What's that

# Britishians never wanted to rule over us... they only and only wanted to trade over india... they also served india as best as they can, they provided us alot of means of life.....

# And they never wanted to make india their colony ..

# They considered that india will not be able to nationalize because india is pluralist country...

According to the imperial veiw

# Drain of wealth from india was never done it was home charges... After 1858 britishians developed lots of things...

# Lord Carnvalish started civil service in india...

Impact of Britishian rulers in india..

Impact of britishian rulers was not actually on every people but on villagers... 3 major changes that ever happened in entire history

! Revolution in agriculture
! Industrial Revolution
! Global trade

Impact of colonial rule in india....

Before britishers we were exporter of finished goods, handicraft indusries were collapsed.....

From 1947- 1991

We divorced the global trade at this period because we were afraid of slavery
        According to the western peoples capitalism means freedom but for eastern side it was considered as as slavery......

To understand the impact of industrial revolution in india we need to know about changes in europe at the same time..


जैसा कि हम जानते विदेशि भारत आये थे। और हम पर शासन किया, उन्होने भारत का शोषण किया .... वे हमसे एक दास के रूप में व्यवहार करते थे। और वे कभी भी भारत के पक्ष में नही रहे।  .... वे हमारे जीवन के लिए सबसे बड़ा विघ्न बन चुके थे। .... 15  august 1947 के बाद हम उनके जेल से रिहा हो गये  और अब .... हम हमारे अपने तरीके से हमारे जीवन जीने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं ....

लेकिन वास्तविकता यहा थोड़ी अलग है और यह भी दिलचस्प है ...

वह क्या है

# Britishians हम पर शासन करना कभी नहीं चाहते थे ... वे केवल और केवल भारत में व्यापार करना चाहते थे, उन्होने हमारि सेवा की जितनी अच्छी वे कर सकते थे। server के रूप में भारत की सेवा की, वे हमारे जीवनपयोगी वस्तूए प्रदान की .....

# और वे भारत को अपना उपनिवेश कभी नहीं बनाना चाहते थे ..

# उन्होंने माना कि भारत का राष्ट्रीयकरण करने में सक्षम नहीं होगा ... क्योकी भारत बहुलतावादी देश है

Imperial veiw साम्राज्यवादी द्रष्ष्टी के अनुसार

Britishers ने भारत से ओर से धन का निष्कासन कभी नहीं किया गया था। वह तो home charge था ... क्योकी 1858 britishians बहुत सा विकास किया।

# Lord Carnvalish भारत में सिविल सेवा शुरू कर दिया ...

भारत में Britishian शासकों का प्रभाव ..

britishian शासकों का प्रभाव हर लोगों पर नहीं था .. लेकिन ग्रामीणों पर वास्तव में था ... 3 बड़े बदलाव है जो कि पूरे इतिहास में हुए।।

! कृषि के क्षेत्र में क्रांति
! औद्योगिक क्रांति
! वैश्विक व्यापार

भारत में औपनिवेशिक शासन के प्रभाव ....

अंग्रेजों से पहले हम थे तैयार माल की निर्यातक थे। अंग्रेजों के बाद हस्तकला उद्योग ढह रहे थे .....

1947- 1991 से

हम इस अवधि में वैश्विक व्यापार को जैसे तलाक दे दिया क्योंकि हम गुलामी से डरते थे
पश्चिमी देशों के लोगों के अनुसार पूंजीवाद को स्वतंत्रता माना जाता था। लेकिन पूर्वी हिस्से के लिए यह गुलामी के रूप में के रूप में माना जाता था ......

भारत में औद्योगिक क्रांति के प्रभाव को समझने के लिए यूरोप में उसी समय हुए परिवर्तन के बारे में पता करने की जरूरत हैं ..

What drives economy..

As we know economy works like a simple machine... there are alot of cycles.. are required to drive yhe economy..

Economy is very relevent to know for everyone ... but no one understand it easily...

It seems complicated.. but it is not.. it is all about the transactions.. credit and bebits....

These all terms are actually related to money, as we simply know ... money drives the economy... we lend money spend money ... give money get money ... this all is driving our nation....

It also depends on human nature... everyone depends on others for money... these makes the relation between the peoples ...

Now we discuss about credit..

Before this era we were using parter system to exchange goods... but now as the money is invented the system is different .. Banks lend money to the borrowers... i

Thursday, 5 January 2017

(Three Scheme Launched by PM Modi)

1. Ścheme ...
Din Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna
(दीन दयाल उपाध्याय ग्राम ज्योति योजना)

# Objective of Scheme ...

To provide electrification in india... to achieve 100 percent rural electrification...

" Din Dayal Upadhyay " who was an indian economist, socialist, and a politician....

# Launched on :-

25 th july 2015 from Patna....

# Ministry :-

By Ministry of Power....

Budget allocation - 76000 crore outlet

# Scheme Subsum :-

Rajiv Gandhi Gram Vidyut Yojna

# Area :-    Rural Area

2. Soil Health Card Scheme....

# Objective if Scheme :-

To distribute soil related health card... i.e.  the scheme is related to soil.. this scheme help in productivity for farmers...

Main objective of this scheme is to reduce cost and increase productivity.... by analysing soil we detect which type of fertilizers are required and which type of plants should be grown....

To issue soil cards to the farmers which will carry cropwise recomondation of nutrient and fertilizers required to improve productivity...

# Launched on :-

17th feb 2015 by  Scheme was announced from Surajgarh Rajsthan

# Amount Allocated :-

568 crore was alloted....

# Tagline :-

Swasth Dhara Khet Hara (स्वस्थ धारा खेत हारा)

# Ministry :-

Agriculture Ministry...

# Steps of Scheme :-

Total three steps procedure :-

1. Soil samples are to be tested in various test labs...

2. Exeperts of lab will analyse the strength and weakness of soil...

3. Results and suggestions will be displayed on cards ...


3. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna
(प्रधानमंत्री उज्ज्वला योजना)

# launched on :-

Labour day 1 st may 2016 this day is also celebrated as " the Maharastra Day"...

# objective of scheme :-

Based on LPG ( liquid petrolium gas)  connection, to provide BPL class peoples..

# Place :-

Launched by PM modi Baliya uttarpradesh

# Ministry :-

Ministry of petrolium and natural gas, Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan...

# tag line :-

Swachh indhan behatar jivan  (स्वच्छ ईंधन बेहतर जीवन)
Clean fuel better life..

# logo :-

Tag line written on LPG cylinder...

# Budget :-

8000 crore...
People targeted under this scheme-
5 crore LPG connections will be distributed
Financial assistant will also be provided..
1600/- pr lpg connection ...

# Total time frame :-

3 years
Time frame divided into three financial years
2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19

# Required documents :-

BPL certificate , BPL rationcard, Photo ID , passport size photo